+Marker Data: A609M30X11-2

Crop pepper
Population KL-DH
Linkage Group KL08
Marker Type AFLP
Map Position 94.24
Source Name
Source Type
Source Sequence
Developer Miyazaki ARI
Document Sugita et al. (2005) Rapid construction of a linkage map using high-efficiency genome scanning/AFLP and RAPD, based on an intraspecific, doubled-haploid population of Capsicum annuum. Breed. Sci. 55: 287-295

typing_method HEGS
S-amp fwd primer seq gatgtgtcctgagtaagtc
S-amp rev primer seq gactgcgtaccctagacgg
PCR condition 94C_30s->68C_30s->72C_1min->(94_30s->68C_30s-0.7C/cyc->72C_1min)x17->(94C_30s->56C_30s-0.7C/cyc->72C_1min)x23->72C_10min->4C
polymerase Ex Taq (Takara)

Line allele-1 allele-2

Population Linkage Group Position
KL-DH KL08 94.24
KL-DH_2024 KL08 94.24

DB Program Definition E-Value

EST Name Species Strain