+Marker Data: Hpms 1-143

Crop pepper
Population KL-DH
Linkage Group KL02
Marker Type SSR
Map Position 12.8
Source Name
Source Type
Source Sequence
Developer Seoul National Univ
Document Lee et al. (2004) Characterization and molecular genetic mapping of microsatellite loci in pepper. Theor. Appl. Genet. 108: 619-627

old source name
typing_method 13% PAGE
PCR product (bp)
fwd primer
fwd primer seq aatgctgagctggcaaggaaag
rev primer
rev primer seq tgaaggcagtaggtggggagtg
PCR condition 95C_1min->(94_30s->55C_30s->72C_1min)x35->72_5min->4C
polymerase Native Taq

Line allele-1 allele-2
K9-11 222.2 222.2
MZC-180 (selfed LS2341) 220.3 220.3

Population Linkage Group Position
KL-DH KL02 12.8

DB Program Definition E-Value

EST Name Species Strain